The aim of this session was to get you thinking about how your experiences, particularly those you have had as a carer, have helped you develop skills and qualities.
Have you been able to recognise the skills and abilities that you have developed as a carer? Do you share those highlighted by the carers in this session? Do you have other qualities that your caring role has helped you to develop?
You have now completed Session 3. You will explore these ideas further in Sessions 5 and 6 where carers explore how the skills, abilities and qualities developed in their caring role informed their learning paths and enhanced employability.
To conclude this part of the course and consolidate your learning you may like to complete the practice quiz [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
The quiz provides evidence that you are achieving the following learning outcomes:
- a clearer understanding of the experiences that carers could reflect on, including their roles, actions and decisions
- an appreciation of personal qualities developed through a caring role
- the ability to use information technology (IT) to carry out reflective activities in writing and communicating
- the ability to explore and use new ways of expressing ideas.
If you need a reminder about the quizzes and the criteria for getting a badge, visit How to complete the course quizzes.
Activity 3.1