What do carers get if they finish the course?

Reflection Log

As learners work through the course, they record their thoughts and plans for their future in their Reflection Log. This doesn’t have to be completed on a computer – it can be done with pen and paper. What’s useful is to keep all the notes, thinking and reflection in one place, as this becomes a reference for whatever they choose to do next.

This record might help in conversations with careers advisors or college staff, or in discussions with social or health services, for example when they discuss a carer’s support plan. Learners should finish the course with an action plan to match their chosen goal, whatever that might be.

Caring Counts badge

Figure 2 Digital badge

At the end of some sessions there is an optional quiz. If learners choose to enrol on the course and successfully complete the quizzes, they can gain a digital badge in recognition of their achievement.

The Caring Counts badge shows that learners have gained an understanding of the process of reflection and personal planning, and have achieved the learning outcomes listed within the course.

Carers have told us that they found the badge useful when applying for jobs, as it created a talking point, gave them an opportunity to articulate the skills they’d gained from caring, and helped to account for gaps in their work history when they had to give up work to care.

You can find out more about how to complete the quizzes and how to gain a badge in the introduction section of the course and on these pages:

How can carers centres use this course?

How do I start?