This free course was written by Jonathan Rix.
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Figure 2: adapted from Korkmaz, A.V., Van Engen, M.L., Knappert, L. and Schalk, R., 2022. About and beyond leading uniqueness and belongingness: A systematic review of inclusive leadership research. Human Resource Management Review, p.100894.
Figure 3: courtesy of Jonathan Rix
Figure 5: Óskarsdóttir et al, 2020
Figure 6: adapted from MacBeath, J. (2005) Leadership as Distributed: A Matter of Practice, School Leadership and Management. Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 349 – 366.
Figure 8: courtesy of Jonathan Rix
Figure 10: Victor Weisz; New Statesman, supplied by British Cartoon Archive, University of Kent.
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Valdivieso, P. 2020; School Leaders and Inclusive Education in Peru: A Case Study of Principal Leadership in an Effective Inclusive School, International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), licenses/ by/ 4.0/
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