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Hundreds of educational interactives, games, quizzes, videos and podcasts, plus 1000s of articles written by academic experts and guest contributors.
Education & Development
Volunteering with a personal or professional focus
Have you considered using your professional skills or personal experiences to volunteer and develop your skills further? Read stories from OU staff on why they volunteer, what it means and how others can get involved.
Education & Development
Gwirfoddoli yn y sector addysg
Ydych chi wedi meddwl erioed am wirfoddoli ym myd addysg? Darllenwch storïau gan staff y Brifysgol Agored ynghylch pam maen nhw’n gwirfoddoli, beth mae’n ei olygu, a sut y gall pobl eraill gymryd rhan.
Education & Development
Gwirfoddoli gyda ffocws personol neu broffesiynol
Ydych chi wedi ystyried defnyddio eich sgiliau proffesiynol neu eich profiadau personol i wirfoddoli a datblygu eich sgiliau ymhellach? Darllenwch storïau gan staff y Brifysgol Agored ynghylch pam maen nhw’n gwirfoddoli, beth mae’n ei olygu, a sut y gall pobl eraill gymryd rhan.
Education & Development
Volunteering in the community
Volunteering in the community can have a big impact. Read stories from OU staff on why they volunteer, what it means and how others can get involved.
Education & Development
Evolutions in Education: The OU Education Conference
Welcome to the Evolutions in Education collection!
Education & Development
Alternative education: listening to the voices of young people
Research presented at the Education Conference highlighted the use of photovoice by young people in alternative education environments, in Scotland and England.
Education & Development
Navigating Relationship Sex Education (RSE)
Sarah Adams and Kat Vallely led the discussion recorded as part of The Open University Education Conference.
Education & Development
Outdoor spaces for tiny humans
Cultural, social and spatial factors that mediate outdoor interactions for babies and toddlers - presented by Joanne Josephidou and Nicola Kemp.
Education & Development
Enhancing learning and assessment with Artificial intelligence
This session focused on presenting the findings from a research project investigating effective mentoring approaches of student teachers.
Education & Development
Effective approaches to mentoring: what works and why?
This session focused on presenting the findings from a research project investigating effective mentoring approaches of student teachers.
Education & Development
What counts as professional learning?
Dr Lore Gallastegi and Dr Carolyn Cooke present a session based on a research project that was conducted in 2022 into Scottish educators’ experiences and perceptions of professional learning.
Education & Development
Early childhood health promotion
A presentation from the OU Education Conference, sharing insights from research into early childhood health promotion.