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Grid List Results: 1586 items
Connecting unseen dots video icon

Education & Development

Connecting unseen dots

Why is interdisciplinary learning important? What enables it? Watch this presentation by Dr Carolyn Cooke and Mathew Jones to find out more.

25 mins
Co-designing professional learning to address evolving challenges video icon

Education & Development

Co-designing professional learning to address evolving challenges

Collaborative professional learning to build and enhance (languages) curricular provision in schools.

5 mins
‘Nobody can say to me that I can’t do it’: Exploring the study journey of female students from South Asian backgrounds article icon

Education & Development

‘Nobody can say to me that I can’t do it’: Exploring the study journey of female students from South Asian backgrounds

Significant differences in the good pass awarding gap between White and Asian students studying in higher education are well documented. In our university context this good pass awarding gap significantly appears in the final level of study. Why is this and what can we do about it?

5 mins
Returning to STEM free course icon level 3: advanced icon Badge icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Returning to STEM

This free badged course, Returning to STEM, offers useful skills and solutions to help you get back into a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM).

Free course
24 hrs
Eid al-Fitr article icon

History & The Arts

Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr is a major Islamic holiday, marking the end of Ramadan. Find out more about the ‘lesser Eid’ in this article.

5 mins
Learning Design resources to support embedding sustainability competencies and learning outcomes in course materials article icon

Education & Development

Learning Design resources to support embedding sustainability competencies and learning outcomes in course materials

Check out this set of free resources to help prompt initial thoughts and discussions about embedding sustainability in course design.

5 mins
Badges come to OpenLearn article icon

Get Started

Badges come to OpenLearn

Using our free courses and want to show others what you've learned? We've got great news for you...

5 mins
Holi: The festival of colours, the festival of diversity article icon

History & The Arts

Holi: The festival of colours, the festival of diversity

Holi is celebrated as the Festival of colour, love and spring. Shonil Bhagwat explores this Hindu festival's links to diversity of nature, people and culture in this article.

5 mins
Parent guide to university applications and beyond activity icon

Education & Development

Parent guide to university applications and beyond

A step-by-step guide for parents, guardians and carers designed to help you support your young person as they navigate the university application process and beyond.

5 mins
The Open University and Children in Scotland learning portal article icon

Education & Development

The Open University and Children in Scotland learning portal

We are delighted to welcome you to this learning portal created in partnership between The Open University (OU) and Children in Scotland.

5 mins
Canllaw i rieni ar geisiadau prifysgol a thu hwnt activity icon

Education & Development

Canllaw i rieni ar geisiadau prifysgol a thu hwnt

Canllaw cam wrth gam i rieni, gwarcheidwaid a gofalwyr wedi’i ddylunio i’ch cynorthwyo chi i gefnogi eich person ifanc i lywio’r broses ymgeisio prifysgolion a thu hwnt.

5 mins
The impact of supporting Ukrainians with free resources on OpenLearn article icon

Education & Development

The impact of supporting Ukrainians with free resources on OpenLearn

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a dedicated page on OpenLearn for those displaced became one of the most popular pieces of content on the site. Articles and whole courses carrying digital badges were also then translated. This review looks into the rationale behind this work and the impact it has had.

10 mins