2.2 Effective care
In the context of healthcare, effectiveness can be defined as selecting the appropriate methods and approaches to achieve the desired outcomes. Sometimes this facet of high quality care is also referred to as clinically effective care. Typically, effective or clinically effective healthcare adheres to an evidence base in which the treatment or care has shown proven benefits for patients or communities. Similarly, the use of treatments or care which have not shown evidence of working should be avoided.
Activity 4
The Health Foundation has created a quality improvement report on Dementia care. Read the Key findings (on pages 6-12) in the report summary [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Health Foundation, 2011).
List all the treatments or care recommendations that have been cited in the key findings which would make dementia care more effective.
- Providing early diagnosis in memory clinics
- better community support for people with dementia and carers (such as respite care)
- psychosocial interventions to improve knowledge and reduce stress
- staff training to address behavioural problems in people with dementia
- GP training in diagnosing dementia
- trying to minimise the risk of admission to hospitals
- reducing the number of inappropriate drugs that people with dementia are prescribed.