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Introducing healthcare improvement
Introducing healthcare improvement

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This OpenLearn course provides a sample of postgraduate study in Health and Social Care. [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

You have now completed this exploration of quality improvement in healthcare. During the activities you have encountered examples of practical healthcare interventions and were encouraged to think about how each intervention intended to influence quality improvement.

You have also explored the different dimensions of quality in healthcare. Importantly, these six dimensions represent the aims of quality improvement initiatives in international healthcare contexts as well as in the UK. By learning about these goals of healthcare improvement, you will be better equipped to analyse how and why healthcare improvement initiatives may work.

This free course, Introducing healthcare improvement, has introduced you to the notion that healthcare improvement is complex because quality can change in many ways from a single quality improvement intervention. It is important to remember that a diverse range of stakeholders can influence healthcare quality and improvement including patients as well as healthcare staff.