This free course, Mindfulness in mental health and prison settings, introduces the key ideas and practices of mindfulness, describes how it is helping counselling clients and prisoners, and also looks at some of the criticisms mindfulness has received in recent years.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
define mindfulness
practise mindfulness in daily life
understand how mindfulness can help clients with mental health difficulties
describe how mindfulness can be useful in prison settings
The course lacks real-life validity which is evidenced by the way it frequently sells itself to its audiences while cluttering and bombarding the reader with distracting advertising. It promotes itself continually with a sense of superiority contradicting that which it preaches. Mindfulness establishes itself by quoting 2000 year old religious tenets typical of Mind-bending, altering history in an ironical narrative.
I appreciate the opportunity to attend this course. It has improved my knowledge especially in the areas of promoting the psychological health of inmates during the early period of imprisonment when stress and trauma are highest. I will be using the concepts of Mindfulness in some of my project aimed at prisoners integration and adjustment to confinment. Thanks to the course developer(s).