In this free course, Mindfulness in mental health and prison settings, you have learned about mindfulness and how it can be used in both counselling and prison settings. You have also reflected a good deal on what mindfulness is, how therapists and clients experience it and the different ways in which it can be brought into therapy.
You’ve considered both mindful meditation practices, and ways of bringing mindfulness into everyday life. You’ve heard about the research evidence for mindfulness both in relation to mental health difficulties and in relation to rehabilitation and reducing recidivism in a criminal justice context. You’ve learned about how mindful therapy can work in practice.
Finally, you’ve developed your skills in critical evaluation, by exploring some of the criticisms that have been levelled at the ‘mindfulness movement’.
This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course DD310 Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime and therapy [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
This resource is part of the ‘Wellbeing and Mental Health Collection’ collated by The Open University in Wales. You can find out more and discover other courses, articles and interactives on the collection homepage.