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Happy New Year

Happy New Year! What is 2025 going to mean for you? Improved health? Learning a language? Writing a book? Get started here...

Don't give up, take up!

New year, new resolution? Why not try taking something up rather than giving something up? We've got a few ideas where you could get started - take a look at the FREE tools and courses below and, to discover more about how we can help you, watch our short animation on to make the most of OpenLearn (and discover how it helps OU students in different ways too)

Succeed in the workplace

Is this the year you put your career first? Check out our Badged Open Course, and if you are Returning to a STEM career, feast your eyes on our interactive toolkit. You can also check out our full collection of badged open courses on employability.

Get writing 

New year, new novel? Have you been itching to get your first novel started and haven't known where to begin? Well we know where - here! Start with Ten top tips for writing a novel. Then delve into the resources below:

Choose health

Whether you've eaten too many mince pies over the Christmas break and need a health kick, or maybe you want to concentrate on your mental health and wellbeing this year instead - we've got you covered with our free courses and articles. 

  • Make sure you check out our Mind, Body, Media hub for a collection of free resources from Open University academics to ensure the wellbeing of you and your family. 

Help others

Maybe you want to give something back to the community this year, or help an individual? Take a look at our free badged open course on volunteering and our interactive to help others stay safe online.

More free courses on volunteering and cyber security:

Get fit

You can also get healthy by taking up more exercise; it doesn't have to be strenuous - it can be a brisk 20 minute walk everyday. Take a look at the boxes below for some inspiration and learn about the importance of recovery and rest before and after exercise.

Learn a language

Feliz año nuevo! Time to expand your horizons and learn the lingo! Where in the world are you headed?

Go greener and help the planet

We can all contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental harms which result from burning fossil fuels, and other day-to-day services. Here are some helpful ideas to make greener choices for you and the planet from tackling everyday plastics pitfalls, to getting innovative with your dinner plate and more:

Happy New Year from the OpenLearn Team!


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