Week 1: Long-time no see, you have become taller!
Language study is the accumulation of vocabulary and grammar. This week, you will start by building your vocabulary with terms in relation to family members, adjectives describing state and feeling, and some occupations. You will then be introduced to more adjectives which will enable you to better describe objects as well as one’s appearance and state. In addition, you will learn how to indicate a change of state.
As you explore the Chinese culture this week, you will journey through the Chinese concept of beauty. To test your understanding and revise the key language structures and vocabulary covered in this week, there is a Quiz section. This is followed by sections for consolidation and extension of your learning, where as well as practising further you can reflect on what you have learnt and your learning experience of this week. Also, in this part, you will be introduced to some character head components. Understanding head components will help you to recognise characters and form meaning associations.
kāishǐ ba开始吧!(Let’s start!)