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Getting started with Chinese 3
Getting started with Chinese 3

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11 Practising and consolidating

Regularly practising and consolidating – using a ‘little and often’ method – is considered the best way to learn vocabulary and language structures, and perfect your pronunciation and tones. Activity 14 will help you to revise some of the key vocabulary and language structures you’ve learned this week.

Activity 14

Part 1

Match the ‘topic + comment’ sentences to their English translation.

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Tā nán péngyou bú shuài. 她男朋友不帅。

  2. Shuō Zhōngwén hěn kù. 说中文很酷。

  3. Zhè ge diànyǐng hěn làngmàn. 这个电影很浪漫。

  4. Wǒ bàba yǒudiǎnr pàng. 我爸爸有点儿胖。

  • a.Her boyfriend is not handsome.

  • b.This film is romantic.

  • c.Speaking Chinese is cool.

  • d.My dad is slightly overweight.

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = a
  • 2 = c
  • 3 = b
  • 4 = d


My boyfriend is little bit overweight.


My boyfriend is Chinese.


My boyfriend has started learning Chinese.


My boyfriend knows very many Chinese characters.


My boyfriend is clever.

The correct answers are a, c and e.


The correct answers are:

  • My boyfriend is a little bit overweight.

  • My boyfriend has started learning Chinese.

  • My boyfriend is clever.

The translation of the text is:

My boyfriend is British. He is tall and he is slightly overweight, but he is handsome! He has started learning Chinese. He is clever but he doesn’t know many Chinese characters.