13 Summary of Week 1
Now you have reached the end of Week 1, reflect a little on what you have learnt.
Activity 16
In the box below, note down what you have found easy, useful or fun, and what was more difficult.
Next week, we will learn how to form comparisons so that you can further describe people and objects. Why don’t you make a head start by researching the key character bǐ 比.
Xià xīngqī jiàn. 下星期见. See you next week.
In this phrase, xià 下 means ‘the next, the following’ rather than indicating the physical location ‘below’. You can understand this phrase by visualising a calendar – the following week is located underneath the current one.
You can now move on to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .