10 Summary
This session has introduced you to the sounds of ancient Greek and the important role of the spoken word within Greek society.
You have begun to develop the crucial skill of reading Greek words on sight. The more you practise, the clearer and more confident your pronunciation will become.
You should also have an understanding of:
- the sounds of the individual letters
- the pronunciation of diphthongs
- the role of breathings
- the three accents (you should recognise them, but they can otherwise be ignored)
- methods for reconstructing the pronunciation of an ancient language.
If you would like more practice with spoken Greek, you can review the ‘Sounds’ option in the Introducing Ancient Greek website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Please note: we’ve had numerous reports of the practice site content not displaying properly. If you’re having trouble with it, try copying and pasting this link instead: http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/greek
You can now move on to Session 3.