3 Closing thoughts
Congratulations, you have now completed this course!
Whatever your plans for future study, hopefully this course has provided a helpful and enjoyable introduction to ancient Greek and its place within ancient Greek life and society.
You should now be able to:
- read the letters of the ancient Greek alphabet
- recall a small set of ancient Greek words and their meanings in English
- read and understand simple sentences in ancient Greek
- understand some of the historical and geographical context of ancient Greek
- feel more confident about embarking on independent study of ancient Greek.
Further study
If you would like to continue your studies, you can do this with the Open University, including formal study options:
- Learning Ancient Greek [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
- BA (Honours) Arts and Humanities (Classical Studies)
You can also keep learning right here on OpenLearn. There are over 1000 courses to choose from, including: