9.4 Prosci’s ADKAR change model
The ADKAR change model was developed nearly two decades ago by Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt after studying the change patterns of more than 700 organisations. It looks at change from the viewpoint of the individual rather than at an organisation level. Figure 17 provides an overview.
‘ADKAR’ is an acronym for the five outcomes an individual needs to achieve for a change to be successful:
- Awareness – of the need for change.
Read the brief ‘Awareness - The Prosci ADKAR model' [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Prosci, n.d) and watch the short video taken from the article below.
Transcript: Video 9 Awareness - The Prosci ADKAR model
- Desire – to participate and support the change.
Read the brief ‘Desire - The Prosci ADKAR model’ (Prosci, n.d) and watch the short video taken from the article below.
Transcript: Video 10 Desire - The Prosci ADKAR model
- Knowledge – on how to change.
Read the brief ‘Knowledge - The Prosci ADKAR model’(Prosci, n.d) and watch the short video taken from the article below.
Transcript: Video 11 Knowledge - The Prosci ADKAR model’
- Ability – to implement certain skills and behaviours.
Read the brief ‘Ability - The Prosci ADKAR model’(Prosci, n.d) and watch the short video taken from the article below.
Transcript: Video 12 Ability – The Prosci ADKAR model
- Reinforcement – to sustain the change.
Read the brief ‘Reinforcement - The Prosci ADKAR model’(Prosci, n.d) and watch the short video taken from the article below.
Transcript: Video 13 Reinforcement - The Prosci ADKAR model
Activity 14 Exploring the Prosci methodology
You have now been introduced to the ADKAR model and considered how change can be influenced at an individual level by guiding the change and addressing issues and barriers. Taking individuals on a change journey is critical for success.
The ADKAR model is part of the Prosci methodology, which considers change from the individual and organisational perspective in order to lead to success.
Take some time now to explore this methodology further on the Prosci methodology overview webpage (Prosci, 2022) and consider how individual influencers could enable organisations to implement successful change programmes.
Use the text box below to capture your reflections, if you wish.