Take time to reflect on what you have learned about how organisations are operating now, the considerations for planning and adapting in uncertain times, the impact of digital transformation and the importance of embedding sustainable working practices, as well as meeting both the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] seven wellbeing goals and net zero targets.
As your organisation evolves to succeed and protect the wellbeing of future generations, continue to develop your own skills and understanding of hybrid ways of working for HEIs, and think about how you can use the contextual framework to assist you long term. The framework was identified in the introduction to this course and is repeated below to help you draw your conclusions.
The framework helps you to consider and understand your organisational context and needs from key perspectives.
- You and your ways of working should take account of the key stakeholders within your environment and their needs in relation to organisational development.
- You need to understand organisational requirements and the context, connections and requirements for key areas of focus and how these relate to the needs of your stakeholders.
- You need to consider your ways of working for the wellbeing of future generations.
In the video below, Sophie Howe, the Future Generations commissioner for Wales, shares her thoughts how HEIs can help to protect future generations. As you reflect on the course and perhaps start to think about your next change initiative, consider the role that HEIs, public bodies and all organisations can play in developing new ways of working to protect future generations.

Transcript: Video 14 Protecting future generations
Then bookmark the Future Generations frameworks for scrutiny, service design and projects so that you will be able to draw on them when planning your next change initiatives and consider a more sustainable approach to protect future generations. You came across these in Section 2.1: The 5 Ws and H, but they are repeated below for your ease of access.
- Future Generations Framework for scrutiny (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, 2019)
- Future Generations Framework for service design (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, 2018)
- Future Generations Framework for projects (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, n.d.. a)
- Guidance on using the Future Generations Framework for projects (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, n.d., b)
This course is part of the Supporting hybrid working and digital transformation collection, which you may wish to explore further.