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Life in the Palaeozoic
Life in the Palaeozoic

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The content acknowledged below is Proprietary (see terms and conditions [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ). This content is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence

The author of this course is Peter Sheldon.

Course image: Ryan Somma in Flickr made available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources for permission to reproduce material in this course:

Figures 1 and 2 Peter Sheldon;

Figure 3a National Museum of Wales;

Figure 3b Courtesy of Jason Dunlop;

Figures 5-12 Peter Sheldon;

Figure 13 John Watson;

Figure 14 Adapted from Benton, M.J. (2000) Vertebrate Palaeontology, second edition, Blackwell Science.

John Watson

The content acknowledged below appears in pages 58-83 of 'The Atlas of the Prehistoric World' by Douglas Palmer published by Marshall Editions, London (which forms part of The Open University course S193 Life in the Palaeozoic) and grateful thanks are extended to them and to all rights-owners for their permission.

Thanks are also credited in the original publication for their kind help during production to: Dr Alan Smith, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge and Dr Norman Macleod, Natural History Museum, London.

58l, 58r, 59t, 59b, 62t, 63t, 64, 65l, 66b Simon Conway-Morris, University of Cambridge; 60, 61 Dr Peter Grimes; 62b Royal Ontario Museum; 63b, 65tr, 65br Dr Derek E.G. Briggs University of Bristol; 66t Gary Bell/Planet Earth; 67 NHPA; 68t William Campbell/DRK Photo; 68b Jens Rydell/Bruce Coleman; 69t, 72b Martin Land/Science Photo Library; 70 Richard Aldridge, University of Leicester; 71t BD/IPR/19-7 British Geological Society © NERC. All rights reserved; 71b, 73t, 73b, 76b, 77b The Natural History Museum, London; 72t Manfred Schauer; 74l, 75r, 80b Sinclair Stammers/Science Photo Library; 74r Department of Earth Sciences, Cardiff University, Wales; 75l Kaj R Svensson/ Science Photo Library; 76t Breck P Kent/Oxford Scientific Films; 77t Eric and David Hosking/Corbis; 78 Zig Leszczynski/Oxford Scientific Films; 79, 82r University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge; 80t G I Bernard/NHPA; 81t Sarah Finney; 81b The Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester; 82l Andrew Mounter/Planet Earth Pictures; 83 National Museums of Scotland.

60/61, 74/75, Jim Channell; 64/65, 82/83 Colin Newman; 78/79, Robin Bouttell, Marshall Editions Development Limited

Three-dimensional maps produced by Lovell Johns Limited, Witney, using illustration by Hardlines Limited, Charlbury and based on data supplied by Paleomap Services Limited, Cambridge.

Two-dimensional maps by Eugene Fleury, Marshall Editions Development Limted

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