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Numbers, units and arithmetic
Numbers, units and arithmetic

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3.9 Addition and subtraction with fractions

Addition and subtraction with fractions can be quite awkward, particularly when fractions are mixed with whole numbers and when the fractions have different denominators. In such cases you may need to use your calculator. However try to gain confidence in handling simple fractions.

To add two fractions with the same denominator, just add the numerators. For example,

equation sequence part 1 three divided by eight plus two divided by eight equals part 2 three plus two divided by eight equals part 3 five divided by eight full stop

Just as 3 eggs plus 2 eggs is 5 eggs, so 3 eighths plus 2 eighths is 5 eighths.

To subtract one fraction from another, where the denominators are the same, just subtract one numerator from the other. For example,

five divided by 12 minus three divided by 12 equals two divided by 12 full stop

Just as 5 oranges minus 3 oranges is 2 oranges, so 5 twelfths minus 3 twelfths is 2 twelfths,

but two divided by 12 is the same as one divided by six. So the simplest answer is one divided by six.

However, if the denominators are different, the calculation is a bit more awkward. The first thing to do is to rewrite the fractions as equivalent fractions where the denominators are the same.

A useful mathematical technique with things you can’t immediately handle is to put them in a form where you can handle them.

Example 20

  • Evaluate

    one divided by four plus three divided by eight


  • You cannot add quarters and eighths directly. You need to change them into the same thing.

  • It is possible to change quarters to eighths.

  • two divided by eight is equivalent to one divided by four : one divided by four equals two divided by eight.

  • So make the denominators the same, i.e. both 8.

equation sequence part 1 one divided by four plus three divided by eight equals part 2 two divided by eight plus three divided by eight equals part 3 five divided by eight