Over the last few decades astronomers have discovered thousands of planets orbiting stars other than the Sun – known as exoplanets. Many of these exoplanets are quite unlike anything we see in our Solar System. These include ‘hot Jupiters’ orbiting very close to their parent star and rocky ‘super Earths’ many times larger than our home planet. In this free course, The formation of exoplanets, you will learn about the challenges connected with efforts to reconcile the observed exoplanet population with current theories on how planets form. The two main theories for this, namely the core-accretion scenario and the disc-instability scenario, will be explored mathematically.
The course is math intensive but can be understood and followed relatively easily. I have little higher math experience and could understand the majority of the course mathematics. The mathematics provide a deep insight into how planets may (and likely do) form, almost all of which I was unaware. If one is prepared to tackle the mathematical formulae, and have an interest in how the solar system and planetary systems, this is the course for you. Do not be put off by the math!!