This free course, Discovering disorder: young people and delinquency, will introduce two approaches to understanding juvenile delinquency. The psychological approach focuses on examining what makes some individuals, but not others, behave badly. The sociological approach looks at why some individuals and some behaviours, but not others, are defined as disorderly.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
compare and contrast two different approaches to studying juvenile delinquency
understand psychological approaches to studying juvenile delinquency such as Eysenck's personality theory and the Cambridge Study of Delinquent Development behaviour which focus on explaining why some individuals commit crimes yet others do not
understand sociological approaches to studying juvenile delinquency, such as those by Howard Becker, Stanley Cohen, and Stuart Hall and his colleagues, which focus on explaining why some individuals and some behaviours are labelled as deviant while
others are not.
Interesting and informative. A little disappointed that the Participants all hailed from one area of London. Why not include those in the same age groups, from the more affluent areas? Would be interested to see how they differ, or not, as a result of the Questionnaire.