This is an introduction to some of the resources which are available online and in print. It is by no means an exhaustive list: there is more material online (and elsewhere) than we have included here. The material had been divided into sections.
The first section here (a. Starting points) identifies two online collections which provide well-structured introductions to the main events of Red Clydeside. There is some debate about how far the militancy of the years was deeply rooted in longer term developments in Glasgow or how far it was the product of the wartime crisis of 1914-18.
We have argued that context is important and the second section (b. The background to Red Clydeside) sets out sources which put Red Clydeside in context, at local, national and international level.
The third section (c. Overviews of Red Clydeside) focuses on three resources, one short online item and two books, all of which present accessible accounts of events. These events, however, have been the subject of prolonged and heated debate among historians and political partisans (sometimes writers fall into both categories). Thus, we try to identify some of the key contributions to the debate in Section d. The debate on Red Clydeside. The next three sections (e. The Rent Strikes; f. Women and Red Clydeside; g. Glasgow and other cities: comparative material) concentrate on key aspects of Red Clydeside. Section h. Scottish Labour History Society provides a link to the website of the SLHS. A subscription is required to gain access to the extensive back catalogue of publications, which covers all aspects of Scottish working-class history, not just Red Clydeside. Section i. Recent academic articles provide a flavour of some of the key research on Red Clydeside as evidence of its continuing interest for historians. Section j. Biography also provides only a sample of the biographical material which exists but selects examples which have broader comments to offer on Red Clydeside. The final two sections (k. Red Clydeside in music and art; l. Short video footage via Facebook) reflect on the legacy of Red Clydeside and how this is reflected in different art forms and in social media
Section A: Starting Points
i. Glasgow Digital Library, ‘Red Clydeside: A history of the labour movement in Glasgow 1910-1932’,
This is a very accessible set of resources, archived online by Strathclyde University, which can be easily dipped into. It provides short summaries of important events, brief biographies of important individuals, photographs and other visual material, and reproductions of contemporary documents.
ii. Radical Glasgow, by John Couzin (Glasgow: Voline Press, 2009). Along the same lines as (i) above, this was created by a veteran Glasgow anarchist and is now archived online by Glasgow Caledonian University
iii. ‘Working class movement UK – 1800-1926 and beyond’ edited by Hearts and Minds Media (2017)
Section B: The Background to Red Clydeside
i. Duncan, R. and McIvor, A.J., 1992. Militant Workers: Labour and Class Conflict on the Clyde, 1900-1950. Edinburgh, John Donald. (This collection of essays in honour of Harry McShane – a young activist in 1919 - contains some useful background material particularly for understanding the emergence of Red Clydeside: the Glasgow Labour History Workshop on labour unrest 1910-14, which is explored more fully in (ii) below; Robert Duncan on independent working-class education 1915-20; McIvor and Patterson on employers’ anti-labour activities.
ii. Kenefick, William and McIvor, Arthur J., eds. (1997) Roots of Red Clydeside, 1910-1914. Edinburgh: John Donald.
This study, embracing recent and mostly new research, places Red Clydeside in context and gives perspective to the role of the First World War as an incubator of heightened class consciousness and militancy in the region. The extent to which the years 1910-1914 marked a watershed in industrial relations has been widely debated in the British literature, but hitherto there has been no systematic treatment of the pre-war 'labour unrest' in Scotland. This work will have a wide appeal to labour activists, to students of history and industrial relations, and to all those with an interest in the social history of Scottish workers and their relations with employers.
iii. Kenefick, William, 2007, Red Scotland!: The Rise and Fall of the Radical Left, c. 1872 to 1932, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (Provides the national context for events on Clydeside, with an overview of the activities of the political and industrial left in Scotland.)
iv. Law, Alex, (2002) ‘On William Kenefick and Arthur McIvor's Roots of Red Clydeside 1910-1914?’, Historical Materialism, 10 (1), 272-279. (Review article of (ii) above.)
v. Damer, Sean, 1990. Glasgow: Going for a Song, London: Lawrence & Wishart. (A very readable people’s history of Glasgow from the late 18th century to the end of the 20th century, which provides the longer-term local context for Red Clydeside. Chapter 4 provides a good summary of the Red Clyde years.)
For a very broad national perspective: Chris Bambery, A People’s History of Scotland, London: Verso, 2014. This ‘history from below’ gives a broader overview than Kenefick (iii) but retains a focus on the 20th century.) Bambery has also edited another earlier collection of essays which explore the intersections and mobilisations of class and nation: Scotland: Class and Nation, London: Bookmarks, 1999.
Chris Bambery (1999) Scotland: Class and Nation, London: Bookmarks.
Section C: Overviews of Red Clydeside
i. BBC iWonder, How Close Did WWI bring Glasgow to revolution? (A brief overview of key events but a good, nicely illustrated introduction.)
ii. Maggie Craig, When the Clyde Ran Red, Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2018. (A popular account of the social and political history of Glasgow in the early 20th century, which takes the story up to the beginning of the Second World War 2. The central chapters focus on events around World War One)
iii. MacAskill, K., 2019, Glasgow 1919 The Rise of Red Clydeside, London, Biteback. (Sketches in background material but provides a more focused account of the key events of the core Red Clyde years 1915-22 and especially 1919.) The link below summarises MacAskill’s views and contains an interview with him from George Square.)
See also an extensive consideration of MacAskill’s book by Sean Damer, 2019, ‘In the Rapids of Revolution: Review of MacAskill, Glasgow 1919’, Scottish Affairs, 28, 3, pp. 339-348.
Jean McNicol also provides a comprehesive review of MacAskill’s book, alongside a review of Maggie Craig's, When the Clyde Ran Red and John Maclean: Hero of Red Clydeside by Henry Bell. Jean McNicol, ‘The Atmosphere of the Clyde’, London Review of Books, Volume 42, 1, January 2020.
iv. ‘Does Red Clydeside Really Matter Anymore?' (229.8 KB)
Historian Christopher Fevre has produced this undated piece which in his own words represents his ‘take on the Red Clydeside concept and its significance as an analytical framework for understanding debate surrounding labour unrest in Scotland during the early 20th century’.
Section D: The debate on Red Clydeside
i. Brotherstone, T., 1992. ‘Does Red Clydeside really matter anymore?’ In Duncan, R. and McIvor, A.J., (eds) (1992) Militant Workers: Labour and Class Conflict on the Clyde, 1900-1950. Edinburgh, John Donald. (Brotherstone’s essay provides a review of competing interpretations.)
ii. Duncan, R., 1992.’Independent Working-Class Education and the Formation of the Labour College Movement in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, 1915-1922.’ In Duncan, R. and McIvor, A.J. (eds) (1992) Militant Workers: Labour and Class Conflict on the Clyde, 1900-1950. Edinburgh: John Donald. (Duncan’s essay has interesting material on the role of education and propaganda in shaping working class consciousness and activism.)
ii. Foster, John, 1992, ‘Red Clyde and Red Scotland’,in Donnachie, I. and Whatley, C. (eds) The Manufacture of Scottish History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
(The book looks critically at Scottish historiography and addresses key issues about the past in nine essays which examine and assess the ways in which Scotland's history has been written and interpreted. Foster’s chapter on Red Clydeside puts it into a broader Scottish context and offers an interpretation along the lines of that in (iii) below).
iii. Foster, J. (1990) ‘Strike Action and Working-Class Politics on Clydeside 1914–1919’, International Review of Social History, 35 (1), 33-70.
The record of strike activity on Clydeside is used to explore the interaction between workplace organisation and political attitudes in working-class communities, focussing in particular upon the shipyard workforce in the years immediately preceding the 1919 General Strike. The findings are used to question research by Iain McLean which minimised the political significance of industrial militancy during the period of the Red Clyde and by Alastair Reid , which argued that the main consequences of wartime industrial experience were to strengthen social democratic perspectives. It is suggested that a limited but significant radicalisation did occur and that this was related to the specific labour relations practices of employers in the West of Scotland and the structural weakness of Clydeside's economy.
Alastair Reid (1980) ‘The division of Labour in the British Shipbuilding Industry, 1880-1920, with special reference to Clydeside, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge.
iv. McKinlay Alan and Morris R. J. (eds) (1991)The ILP on Clydeside, 1890-1932: From Foundation to Disintegration. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (A series of essays covering the development of the ILP in Glasgow. The overarching argument is about the central role of the ILP in the events of Red Clydeside and the suggestion that it was the ILP’s brand of socialism which was the main beneficiary of heightened working-class consciousness and activity.)
v. McLean, Iain, (2000) The Legend of Red Clydeside, Edinburgh: John Donald. (Focused on wartime Clydeside, this is the classic ‘revisionist’ account which argues that the significance and radicalism of the period have been overstated)
vi. Melling, J. (1990) ‘Whatever Happened to Red Clydeside?: Industrial Conflict and the Politics of Skill in the First World War’, International Review of Social History, 35 (1), 3-32.
vii. James Hinton (1973) First Shop Stewards Movement, London: Allen and Unwin.
Studies of industrial conflict during the First World War have challenged earlier interpretations of working-class politics in Britain. The debate has focussed on the events in the West of Scotland during the years when the legend of Red Clydeside was made. It is now commonplace to emphasise the limited progress of revolutionary politics and the presence of a powerful craft sectionalism in the industrial workforce. This essay discusses the recent research on workplace unrest, popular politics and the wartime state. Although the “new revisionism” provides an important corrective to earlier scholarship, there remain important questions which require a serious reappraisal of the forces behind the different forms of collective action which took place and their implications for the politics of socialism. It is argued that the struggles of skilled workers made an important contribution to the growth of Labour politics on the Clyde.
Section E: The Clyde Rent Strikes
i. Seán Damer: ‘State, Class and Housing: Glasgow 1885-1919,’ in: Joseph Melling;
(ed.) (1980): Housing, Social Policy and the State, London: Croom Helm. (Damer’s essay argues for the centrality of the housing issue and rents struggle in the development of broader working-class political activism on Clydeside).
ii. Melling, J. (1983) Rent strikes: peoples' struggle for housing in West Scotland, 1890-1916, Edinburgh: Polygon. (A very readable overview of the strikes, which is particularly strong on the role of women and the involvement of the ILP.)
iii. McQueen, M. (2017)Glasgow Rent Strikes 1915: The Struggle for Decent Housing (Doctoral dissertation). (A more detailed, academic piece which incorporates some of the research done since Melling’s work.)
iv. This chapter, ‘Rent Unrest: From the 1915 Rent Strikes to Contemporary Housing Struggle’ (359.1 KB) by Neil Gray, is the introduction to his 2018 edited collection, Rent and its Discontents: A Century of Housing Struggle, published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
One of the leading activists in the 1915 Rent Strikes was Helen Crawfurd, who campaigned alongside other women activists, not least Mary Barbour. The articles below are a small selection of the online resources that are available on both women – and others.
‘Meeting Helen Crawfurd through her own words…’ by Katie Reid (2018) (Glasgow Women’s Library)
‘Shall we not speak for ourselves?’ Helen Crawfurd, war resistance and the women’s peace crusade 1916 – 18’ by Lesley Orr (2018)
‘Women and Peace: Helen Crawfurd’ by Amy Todd (2019)
Remember Mary Barbour: Mary Barbour & Rent Strike 1915 (2015)
Section F: Women and Red Clydeside
i. Women on Red Clydeside 1910-1920 (This is a bibliography of material held at Glasgow Caledonian University.)
ii. Blackwell, Kay, (2001) ‘Women on Red Clydeside: The Invisible Workforce Debate’, Scottish Economic & Social History 21 (2): 140.
(This article discusses the industrial unrest and employment of women in the West of Scotland before the outbreak of World War I. It also considers prejudice against working women; Industrial relations prior to the outbreak of war; Introduction of dilution of labour composed of unskilled and semi-skilled men and women; Struggle against dilution; Other issues related to the employment of women).
iii. Baillie, M. (2002) The Women of Red Clydeside: Women Munitions Workers in the West of Scotland during the First World War (Doctoral dissertation).
iv. Alison Clunie, Helen Jeffrey and Helen Sim (2008) Women on Red Clydeside, 1910-1920, Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University Research Collection:
v. Alison Clunie, Helen Jeffrey and Helen Sim (2008) Women on Red Clydeside, 1910-1920, Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University Research Collection:
vi. One of the leading activists in the 1915 Rent Strikes was Helen Crawfurd, who campaigned alongside other women activists, not least Mary Barbour. The articles below are a small selection of the online resources that are available on both women – and others.
‘Meeting Helen Crawfurd through her own words…’ by Katie Reid (2018) (Glasgow Women’s Library)
‘Shall we not speak for ourselves?’ Helen Crawfurd, war resistance and the women’s peace crusade 1916 – 18’ by Lesley Orr (2018)
‘Women and Peace: Helen Crawfurd’ by Amy Todd (2019)
Remember Mary Barbour: Mary Barbour & Rent Strike 1915 (2015)
Women's lives on screen
Section G: Glasgow and other Cities: Comparative Material
A short article by a local historian describing the Belfast general strike of 1919, which makes some comparative reference to Glasgow.
ii. J. Kemp (2000), ‘Red Tayside? Political change in early twentieth-century Dundee’, in ‘Victorian Dundee, Image and Realities’, (L. Miskell, C. A. Whatley & B. Harris (eds), Edinburgh: Tuckwell Press.
(This chapter discusses changes in Dundee's politics in the early twentieth century. In no other Scottish city did Liberalism decline so rapidly or from such a seemingly unassailable position. Dundee had been Liberal since the creation of its parliamentary seat in 1832. The Unionist gains of 1895 and 1900, which wiped out all of the Liberals in Glasgow, had little effect on their dominance in Dundee. And yet in 1906 Dundee was one of the first places in Scotland to elect a Labour MP. While the rest of Scotland was returning to Liberalism, Dundee was turning against it. By 1910 Dundee was the ‘least Liberal city in Scotland’. By 1922, Dundee was far more left wing than any other city — a deeper, and more vivid, red, it is claimed, than even on Clydeside).
iii. A. Petrie (2008) ‘The 1915 Rent Strikes: An East Coast Perspective’, (Dundee: Abertay Historical Society)
(This short book explores the housing situation and development of socialism on the east coast of Scotland and describes in detail the strikes that took place in Dundee and to a lesser extent in Aberdeen, Kirkcaldy and Leith).
iv. Dave Sherry (2015), ‘Ireland and Scotland in the First World War: from the Dublin Rising to Red Clydeside’ Irish Marxist Review, 4, 14 43-54. (There is an emphasis in this paper on the anti-imperialist and revolutionary elements of working-class struggles, with prominence given to the roles of Maclean and Connolly. The ‘Scottish’ focus is very much on Clydeside.
v. Smith, J. (1984) ‘Labour tradition in Glasgow and Liverpool’,History Workshop, 17, Spring: 32-56. (The piece provides a genuinely comparative study of the relationship between organised labour and socialist groups (especially the ILP) in the two cities. Its focus is mainly on the years leading up to World War 1.)
Section H: Scottish Labour History Society
Membership is needed in order to access online back issues of the Scottish Labour History journal (from 1969 to 2019), but other parts of the site (News, Events, Blogs, Bibliographies, Links, etc) are open to everyone. Unsurprisingly, Red Clydeside has been a recurring focus for research and writing in the pages of the society’s journal. Many other topics are covered as well, and these can be viewed in the searchable database of journal categories, which is also accessible to all website visitors. Members receive a print copy of the annual SLHS journal, usually published in the late autumn of each year.
*Scottish Labour History Society promoting OpenLearn Red Clydeside resources.
Section I: Other Published Materials
i. Griffin, P. (2015) ‘Labour struggles and the formation of demands: The spatial politics of Red Clydeside’, Geoforum, 62, 121-130.
This paper combines labour history and labour geography through an analysis of the making of labour demands in Glasgow during the early twentieth century. The paper asserts how revisiting histories such as Red Clydeside reveals complexities within labour movements and links to more recent debates within labour geography. Archival research provides a relational account of the place-based politics of Glasgow that emerged during the forty hours movement in 1919. This allows the paper to juxtapose the broader international linkages forged by Scottish workers alongside racialised hostilities within the city. In particular, the paper compares and contrasts the progressive internationalism of the strike newspaper with the Broomielaw ‘race riot’ between local and foreign sailors during the same month as the strike. This comparison also raises the longer-term trajectories of labour grievances to foreground the ambivalent and contested nature of labour demands, identities and histories. In particular, the paper pays close attention to contrasting practices of labour internationalism emerging from the relevant archives. This historical approach makes a broader contribution to debates within labour geography by engaging with the complexities and tensions of labour organising and demand making.
ii. Griffin, P. (2018) ‘Diverse political identities within a working-class presence: Revisiting Red Clydeside’, Political Geography, 65, 123-133.
This paper revisits the histories of Red Clydeside to foreground a discussion of the diversity of political identities. The paper argues that this diversity is crucial to defining the working class presence found within the West of Scotland during the early twentieth century. By approaching this period through the historical lives of three activists, the paper illuminates the intersecting contributions of traditions such as anarchism, the suffrage movement, communism, and parliamentary activism. The breadth offered by this approach asserts the continued importance of a much-celebrated labour history but also links to ongoing debates within historical, political and labour geography. The paper argues for the inclusion of diverse, yet intersecting, political positions within an account of radical cultures, by returning to E.P. Thompson's[G1] notion of ‘working class presence’. This notion of presence has geographical resonance and is developed here alongside understandings of assemblage, topology and thrown-togetherness, to foreground an attentiveness to diversity within place-based politics and spatial connections. The paper utilises this lens to illuminate factors often downplayed in the characterisation of urban memory and to argue for greater diversity in approaches to such political and social histories.
iii. Jody Harrison, 2019, ‘Dark history of the Red Clydeside race riot’, The Herald, January 23:
The article provides a summary of the main arguments developed by Jenkinson in the next item below.
iv. Jenkinson, J. (2008) ‘Black Sailors on Red Clydeside: Rioting, Reactionary Trade Unionism and Conflicting Notions of ‘Britishness’ Following the First World War’, Twentieth Century British History, 19, (1), 29-60.
The riot at Glasgow harbour in January 1919 was the first in a wave of violence in a number of Britain's ports in 1919. Violence was triggered by increased job competition in the merchant navy at the end of the war. Seamen's unions fuelled animosity between competing groups as they sought to protect white British access to jobs by imposing a ‘colour’ bar on sailors from racialized ethnic minorities. Many of the seamen targeted in this way were British colonial subjects from Africa and the Caribbean. Black colonial sailors in Glasgow resisted attacks by white rioters and asserted their rights to employment as British subjects. The riot was connected to wider industrial unrest on Clydeside as leaders of the union campaign for a reduced working week (to maintain full employment following demobilization) brought unskilled labour, including merchant seamen, into a general strike alongside skilled workers. Strike leaders, including leading activists such as Manny Shinwell and Willie Gallacher, linked the 40-hours movement to the seamen's unions’ protests against overseas labour by stressing the common interests of both in preserving the job prospects of (white) labour. The campaigns proved unsuccessful in the face of government fears over the revolutionary potential of the general strike and as the merchant shipping industry slid in to depression.
Girod, G. (2018) ‘We Were Carrying on a Strike When We Ought to Have Been Making a Revolution': The Rise of Marxist Leaders in Glasgow During WWI and the Illusion of a Communist Workers' Republic in Scotland’, Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review, Volume 3, Article 19.
Arguably a surprising outlet for an article relating to Red Clydeside is the academic journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting. However, in 2006 (Volume 17, pp224-252), Sonja Gallhofera and Jim Haslamb authored a paper with the title, ‘Mobilising accounting in the radical media during the First World War and its aftermath: The case of Forward in the context of Red Clydeside’. Founded in 1906, Forward was probably the most notable socialist newspaper on Clydeside during this period. Unfortunately the paper is not freely available but we reproduce the abstract here:
It remains the case that surprisingly little research has been done into the mobilising of accounting in media such as newspapers. Moreover, one can still argue that there is, again surprisingly, a paucity of research into accounting’s emancipatory dimensions, actual as well as potential. And this is in spite of the scope for such work and the apparent significance of such topics for the critical social analysis of accounting. We seek here to add to and build upon the work that has been done in these areas.
This article stems from a paper presented at the First European Critical Studies in Accounting Conference, Leicester, 18–19 July 2002, revised and submitted to special issue of Critical Perspectives on Accounting based on papers presented at the conference, 31 August 2002.
We elaborate a critical historical analysis of accounting’s mobilisation in the radical media in the crisis context of the First World War and its aftermath. We focus upon the way in which accounting is mobilised in Forward, an important radical weekly newspaper of the key context of politically charged ‘Red Clydeside’ during this crisis period. Our general concern here is to further bring out and articulate the political character of accounting and its potential in the context of seeking to transform accounting and society. In our focus, we explore a number of ways in which accounting is mobilised to support a socialistic rhetoric that is disturbing for hegemonic forces. Our study contributes to an understanding of radical accounting functioning in the early twentieth century, adding to previous insights. We thus aim here to further encourage engaged action towards emancipatory development in and through accounting.
COP26 Climate Change Conference November 2021: Glasgow -
Coll McCail and Finn Smith, 'At COP26 in Glasgow, the Spirit of “Red Clydeside” Inspires Protests for a Green New Deal', Jacobin Magazine, November 1, 2021:
Sophie Squire, ‘Two Days of Revolt on the Clyde’, Socialist Worker, November 10, 2021:
Section J: Biography
i. Henry Bell (2018) John Maclean: Hero of Red Clydeside, London: Pluto Press. (The most recent biography of one of the leading figures in Glasgow left wing activism throughout the period of Red Clydeside.)
ii. Gallacher, W.(1936) Revolt on the Clyde. London: Lawrence & Wishart ( 2017 ed), Project MUSE (A classic autobiographical account of the wartime events of Red Clydeside from a leading activist.)
iii. Young, J. (1992) ‘James Connolly, James Larkin and John Maclean: the Easter Rising and Clydeside Socialism’,in Duncan, R. and McIvor, A.J., (eds) (1992) Militant Workers: Labour and Class Conflict on the Clyde, 1900-1950. Edinburgh: John Donald. (Young’s essay covers similar ground to Sherry above.)
Section K: Red Clydeside in Music and Art
i. ‘The John Maclean March’, written by Hamish Henderson in 1951, performed here by The McCluskey Brothers (other versions of this song are available on YouTube):
The John Maclean March (Hamish Henderson)
Hey Mac did ye see him as ye cam in by Gorgie,
Awa ower the Lammerlaw and north o' the Tay ?
Yon man is comin' and the hale toon is turnin' oot,
We're a' sure he'll win back to Glasgow the day.
The jiners and hauders-on are marchin' fae Clydebank,
Come on noo and hear him, he'll be ower thrang tae bide.
Turn oot Jock and Jimmie, leave yer crane and yer muckle gantries
Great John Maclean's comin' back tae the Clyde.
Argyle Street and London Road's the route that we're marchin'
The lads frae the Broomielaw are here tae a man.
Hey, Neil, whaur's yer hoderums, ye big Hielan teuchter?.
Get yer pipes oot and march at the heid o'the clan!
Hallo Pat Malone, I knew you'd be here so
The red and the green we will wear side by side,
Gorbals is his the day and Glasgow belangs tae him,
Noo great John Maclean's comin' hame tae the Clyde.
Forward tae Glasgow Green we'll march in guid order,
Will grips his banner weel, that boy isna blate,
Aye there man, that's Johnny noo, that's him there, the bonnie fechter
Lenin's his fere, Mac, and Leibniz his mate.
Tak tent when he's speakin' for they'll mind whit he said here
In Glasgow our city and the hale world beside.
Hey, man, the scarlet's bonnie, here's tae ye Hielan' Johnny!
Oor John Maclean has come hame to the Clyde.
Ah weel noo its finished, I'm awa hame tae Springburn,
Come hame tae yer tea, John, we'll soon hae ye fed!
It's hard wark the speakin', ach! I'm sure he'll be tired the nicht,
I'll lie on the flair, Mac, and gie John the bed.
The hale city's quiet noo, It kens that he's restin'
At hame wi'his Glasgow freens, their joy and their pride.
The red will be worn again and Scotland will march again,
Noo great John Maclean has come hame tae the Clyde.
ii. Dave Sherry (2005) ‘Both red and beautiful: Review of 'Krassivy', Freddy Anderson, Glasgow Caledonian University’, Socialist Review, 300, October.
Krassivy is a play about the Clydeside anti-war socialist John Maclean. It was written by the Glasgow-based, Irish-born poet and playwright Freddy Anderson in the 1960s. Freddy was a down to earth dreamer who lived on a council estate in the east end of Glasgow. The play was first performed by a community drama group at the Edinburgh Festival in 1979 to mark the centenary of John Maclean's birth.
iii. ‘Songs of Rebellion’, Socialist Review, 282, February 2004: An interview with Alistair Hulett and Martin McCardie.
Red Clydeside, a show combining songs and drama, was a sell-out Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow, January 2004. Mark Brown spoke to singer/songwriter Alistair Hulett and writer Martin McCardie about making art out of Glasgow's famous workers' uprising.
In the late 1980s the artist Ken Currie produced an eight-panel mural cycle, which illustrated Glasgow’s radical past. One of the central panels depicts ‘Red Clydeside’. The murals are now displayed in the People’s Palace museum on Glasgow Green. This website reproduces the images and provides accompanying explanatory text and questions.
Section L: Short Video Footage via Facebook
The Battle of George Square 1919: Posted on Facebook 22/10/16
The Battle of George Square 1919 (Three Chinas Production)
The Battle of George Square and the Red Clydesiders: The Story from an Eyewitness 1919 - 100 years on
More from the Revisiting Red Clydeside Collection
Section 1: Introducing ‘Red Clydeside’
Our Red Clydeside collection focuses on the arguments and controversies around the Battle of George Square, Glasgow 1919. Find out more about our free learning resource...
Section 2: Red Clydeside and Glasgow 1919: Setting the Context
World War One and in the years that followed, the UK witnessed the outbreak of a number of large-scale disputes, strikes and protests across the UK and Ireland. The Clydeside region was one of the most significant industrial centres in the entire UK and, thus, no exception...
Section 3: Red Clydeside: Key Issues and Key Events
Explore the background to the struggles of Red Clydeside.
Level: 1 Introductory
Section 4: Enduring Controversies around Glasgow 1919: (Mis)representing Red Clydeside?
Red Clydeside has given rise to many competing historical interpretations, arguments and 'alternative facts'. How can we make sense of these continuing debates?
Level: 1 Introductory
Section 5: Legacies: Does Red Clydeside still matter today?
In what ways did the socialist ethos of Red Clydeside continue to inspire protests in Scotland a century later?
Level: 1 Introductory
This article is part of the Revisiting Red Clydeside: 'Bloody Friday': The Battle of George Square, Glasgow, 1919 collection. All the media-rich articles in this collection provide an introduction to Red Clydeside and consider the developments that led to the Battle of George Square in Glasgow in January 1919, and also reflect on the enduring legacies of this period.
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