Unit 1: Introduction


1.8 Implementing safeguarding

Managing safeguarding issues often means balancing the rights and needs of many people.

Fortunately, we can rely on safeguarding standards to focus our minds when making decisions in the best interest of survivors and ensuring we mitigate against any greater harm.


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Activity 1.6 Case Study

Watch the video above on the Cox’s Bazaar refugee camp in Bangladesh. This animation is part of an awareness campaign against the abuse of power and sexual harassment of aid workers. The video illustrates how an aid worker misused his power by demonstrating favouritism and coercion leading to sexual harassment, which made a beneficiary very uncomfortable and the environment unsafe, not only for her but for others too.

As you watch, note your responses to the following questions in your learning journal:

  • Who and what are you concerned about?
  • Using the IASC PSEA 6 Core Principles, identify which of the principles may have been breached by Hakim Ali.

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