Unit 5: Improving accountability in safeguarding



Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Accountability is at the heart of safeguarding. Many of us are all too familiar with instances where perpetrators of abuse are exonerated from any responsibility or liability for their misconduct.

Therefore, communicating to all stakeholders what to expect from us, and how to be heard when expectations are not met, or harm is caused by someone who works or represents our organisation is essential. As such, we are accountable to the communities we work with and serve, to those who represent us, to our donors, partners, regulatory bodies, and national and international agencies.

A diagram depicting a centre circle with arrows pointing out to six outer circles. The centre circle says implementing safeguarding in the international aid sector. The first outer circle says week 1 introduction. The next circle says week 2 identify. Circle 3 says week 3 prevent. The next says week 4 report and respond. The fifth says week 5 improve accountability. The final circle says weeks 6 monitor and learn. All the outer circles are greyed out except for one which says week 5 improve accountability.

In this unit we look at how to prioritise safeguarding in accountability mechanisms across an organisation. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, not just the focal lead, and by sharing this responsibility we can better promote accountability and keep people safe. Accountability is at the heart of safeguarding.