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Angana Crimin Post 1

7 November 2024, 4:49 PM Edited by the author on 7 November 2024, 4:51 PM

Teaching Approach

I had completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from India in 2003 , worked in the industry ever since and moved to the UK for work. I then decided to pursue my post graduate degree from OU and I am on my last module. The key difference that I have noticed in teaching approach coming from an eastern culture is that we were never taught to have a critical thinking. If the teacher says ' the sun rises in the west' - the student is expected to agree with the teacher. The whole class, then the school and  then the whole village would learn and believe that ' The sun rises in the west'. The approach in the western society is different , students are encouraged to have a critical view and raise questions.

This approach while studying in OU has enabled me to think differently and have my own view and deeper understanding of a subject.