Part 4 Teaching in Computing and Communications
4.1 Introduction
By Chris Douce [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] and Chris Thomson
Tutors in the School of Computing and Communications help students to grow in confidence and step forward in their understanding of the subject. Whilst all STEM tutors share their knowledge and experience with students, this is especially important in computing and communications due to the breadth of the subject area and its fast-changing nature. Students especially value tutors that share their own experience to add depth and context to the student's learning.
On most modules, students have the opportunity to attend tutorials with several tutors, so multiple experiences are combined to give students a broad picture of the profession.
The breadth and fast-moving nature of computing and communications also impacts tutors' professional development, both at the Open University and in any external appointments. You are already aware of, and used to keeping up to date with, changes in technology in your field of work. We support tutors in this through our research seminars, taking part in research and making use of the fee waiver available to tutors to study any of our modules.
Here in Part 4, we introduce you to the school, our modules, the role of a tutor in computing and communications, and give you the opportunity to reflect on how your skills and experience relate to the role.