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Rolando Trejos Saucedo Post 1

22 October 2019, 8:55 PM

Access to scientific information in Latin America

At the start of my journey as a researcher, I was as lost as one could be, but also really excited about learning. It was curiosity that made me interested in research in the first place. 

Then I started to work on a research center and I was able to access to complete journal databases, but still, there were some journals I could not access, some of them extremely relevant to my field.

As stated in the video, countries like Latin America are at a disadvantage when it comes to access to scientific databases of journals. The government is slowly starting to incorporate access to some of them, but it's not enough.

The access you have to a journal could determine how valid and relevant your work is. It's extremely important to be able to find ways in which we could progress in a collaborative setting for science development and innovation.

Discussion tags: latin america, open access, publication, research