Meet your instructors!
Hi, we made this MOOC.
Moderators (the people who will answer your questions)...

Dr Emma Harris
research background is in cultural history, specifically the fear of
technology, but her career has moved from science fiction to science
fact. She has become an enthusiast for open science, RRI, and science
communication through roles including, Ethics Manager on the Human Brain
Project. Moving to Berlin from the UK in 2017, she now works in the
Communications Department at the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular
Medicine. She is a Project Manager and Training Developer working on
designing open science training and materials for the ORION Open Science

Sabine Barthold
Sabine is a social scientist and educational technologist at the TU Dresden Media Centre. She is an open science enthusiast and is designing and building MOOCs that help researchers to develop skills, competences and attitudes to embrace and spread of a culture of openness in science and academia.

Dr Luiza Bengtsson
Luiza is a biochemist turned science communicator. She went from life sciences research uncovering communication channels in cells to creating new channels for dialog between science and society. Luiza’s work centers around her motto: more science into society and more society into science, which she lives by organizing large science popularization events, training high school teachers and enabling art-science and citizen science co-operations. In the ORION project, Luiza heads the team responsible for developing training on Open Science.

Zoe Ingram
Zoe is an Educational Scientist at the MDc and working for the EU ORION project on Open Science. She is testing and implementing training methods for researchers that help them reflect individual practices. She helps researchers understand the benefits of Open Science and position themselves to be part of the movement.
Katarzyna Biernacka
Katarzyna holds a degree in computer science from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She is interested in digital tools and new forms of learning. She does research on mobile information and communication technologies in teaching with a focus on Latin America. And works in the field of "Publication of Research Data - Research Integrity - Privacy". Katarzyna is an Open Science advocate and offers workshops on open science data management and related topics. Katarzyna's module on Research Data Management was based on work she did as part of the FDMentor project.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 November 2019, 2:16 PM