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George C Post 1

11 February 2020, 4:06 PM

Thoughts on Open Access

So I hope I'm doing this in the right place! Just watched the video on Open Access and I have thoughts.

I'm writing from a librarian perspective and one that involves research support. I don't buy journals and have zero responsibility for this activity but I do research and I support those that do research too.

I feel strongly about the justice behind people having the right to access knowledge, in whatever form it might be in, and the thought of having knowledge trapped behind paywalls is just abhorrent to me especially when you consider the scenarios seen in the video around people needing to find healthcare information or simply being in an institution or country that cannot afford the big journal subscriptions.

I work for a pretty well-known and established institution and even we don't get everything and its incredibly frustrating whenever I hit a paywall and need something for my work, so I can only imagine what this must be like when it happens to someone every single time. What is the point of doing research if people can't read it?