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Tammy Shadbolt

Tammy Shadbolt Post 1

3 March 2020, 10:53 AM

Early career researcher concerns

This topic makes me reflect back on my own PhD thesis. I think as an early career researcher key concerns included:

- What if others think the data is 'bad' data?

- What if people contact me about it?

As a more experienced researcher I can now see this naturally reflects the insecurities we are likely to hold about the quality of our research in the early days. There are useful responses in the MOOC lesson links to these concerns. Namely that people will accept the data for what it is. A PhD is essentially a training and learning experience after all. Those with an understanding of my field will also appreciate that data involve small numbers and difficulties fulfilling Koch's postulates. Now of course I am delighted rather than concerned about others contacting me about any research I do. Great chance to learn, evolve my work and build collaborations!