Welcome to the discussion forum for "Being an OU Tutor in STEM".
The purpose of this forum is to give you an opportunity to engage with other participants and to gain some experience in an asynchronous forum. it is also a chance to chat with experienced OU tutors - the moderators of this forum are current STEM tutors and they will be happy to answer questions about their own experience. If you have questions about things which they cannot answer they will find someone who can.
The course refers you to this forum to respond to particular activities. You will find a discussion thread for each of these activities and some examples of how you might respond. Although we would like you to consider your contribution please do not spend too long on polishing your posting - the value comes from reflecting on the activity and then structuring your thoughts such that you can post a message. The course and the forum do not form part of any application or selection process, the people who shortlist and interview applicants for jobs will probably not read this forum.
We've tagged the seed posts, the posts which introduce each activity, with the section number so you can use the box above the list of posts to select messages by tag.
We hope that you enjoy using the forum and find it useful.
(Image: CC BY-SA 2.0 by Flickr user Nathan https://www.flickr.com/photos/90371939@N00/)