Welcome, please introduce yourself!

View Make entries: 1

Create a personal profile in our course group page:

Introduce yourself to your peers and tell us something about yourself. During this course you will be asked to come back and edit your profile and add more information in small practical assignments.

This is how it works:
  1. Add a new entry to this course group page to create a profile. Type your name in the 'concept' field.
  2. Add some information about yourself in the description field. Let us know who  you are, what you like and what brought you here!
  3. If you like you can add a profile picture or a short videoclip.
  4. And don't forget to tell us what open science animal you are!
  5. If you want, you can add comments to your peers' profiles. Or say 'hello!'

Let's create a word cloud together!

Tell us your discipline and see how many different disciplines are represented in this course!

Browse the glossary using this index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL



Hi everyone,

I'm a first year PhD student in cancer biology and currently working on the impact of different cell death modalities in anti-cancer immunogenicity.

Nice to meet you all!


I am a PhD student at University College Dublin. Looking at a comparative oncology approach to TNBC. I am very interested in open science


Hi, I'm Izzy, a PhD student at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge. I work in cell signalling and am involved with lots of public engagement in my free time.