2.14 Summary
In Part 2 of the course, you have had a broad view of what is involved in the tutoring aspects when working at the OU as an Associate Lecturer – or tutor. You have examined the tutor role itself, and the important skills, attributes and values associated with being a tutor, and how that is supported among different groups at the OU.
You have looked at the resources that are available to tutors, as well as what it means to work with learners online, and the differences between tutoring and facilitating online groups, and how the OU caters for the additional needs of students.
Finally, you have looked at employment related aspects of the tutor role and the developmental opportunities that are available to tutors.
Go to Part 3 of the course, Teaching methods and technologies [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , where you learn in more detail about the tuition-based aspects of the STEM tutor role.
2.13 Skills development