2.3 Supporting whole school approaches to inclusion

In this section you will explore whole school approaches which support inclusion. Many of these approaches will be led by the school management team - for example, ensuring that policies, protocols and systems are in place throughout the school.

Leadership, however, exists at all levels in a school and there are a range of ways in which all members of the school community can contribute. Indeed, these approaches will not work effectively unless they are understood and implemented by everyone.

In a whole school inclusive approach legislation, policy and guidance inform practice across the school.:

  • Staff within the learning community are supported to be aware of their professional duties and legal responsibilities.

  • Legislation, policy and guidelines are used by staff when documenting and providing evidence of all decisions made and actions taken.

  • Parents/carers and learners are aware of their rights, particularly relating to inclusion, equality and diversity, discrimination and confidentiality.

2.2 Ensuring schools and classrooms are inclusive

2.3.1 Developing an inclusive environment