16 Eeradi Vannama | The Arrow


This is the recital of the Arrow. This Vannama dramatises the exploits of a warrior called Bandula. To the din of the clash of swords, shields, spears and clubs, the army marches on and Bandula’s shafts fly with deadly effect. Eeradi Vannama is very masculine and full of action!

Eeradi vannama

Lyrics to the Vannam Kaviya (in Sinhala and English)

You can listen to the original Eeradi Vannama track and watch the playlist of Eeradi Vannam performances from around the world created by @KandyanDancers platform below.

Vannam track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1ZxDplCb6A 

There are no Eeradi Vannam performance videos available at the moment.

Vannam Inspired by Religion, Nature and Legends

Vairodi Vannama