17 Surapathi Vannama | Goddess Surapathi


This vannama is a recital in praise of the Goddess Surapthi – otherwise known as Umayangana/ Uma or Parvathi. The Vannama eulogizes the love story between Umayangana and Iswara as God Iswara is worried about not finding Uma and in disguise, he goes in search of her until he finds he. Upon finding her, overjoyed, he dances the triumphant steps we dance today in Surapathi Vannama.

Lyrics to the Vannam Kaviya (in Sinhala and English)

You can listen to the original Surapathi Vannama track and watch the playlist of Surapathi Vannam performances from around the world created by @KandyanDancers platform below.

Vannam track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbk9B_8G1g4

There are no Surapathi Vannam performance videos available at the moment.

Ganapathi Vannama