Development: Learning Outcomes and Assessments
After completing the Development section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Produce the detailed draft e-assessment content in an external word processing programme or graphics package etc. offline outside the chosen delivery system i.e. outside the VLE / e-Portfolio system etc.
Task: Create and record the details of the e-assessment (e.g. drag and drop, multiple-choice questions, essay etc.) and their possible answers, it will make sense to store any images or web links relating to the assessment here as well
Method: Save the files / documents with meaningful names so you can find them again, think about creating a simple filing system to store your assessment designs
Method: Save the e-assessment for future use in the delivery system
Method: Record any issues that are found – max 200 words in Your Blog
LO5. Create and evaluate solutions to the possible problems identified in the technical and organisational tests
Task: Document your solutions - think about creating your own personal e-learning assessment logbook for future reference - it is different to the idea for a scrapbook - (this might be a personal blog or a word processing document etc. - but make it digital) - and make a copy in the course Blog
Method: Enter the details in in Your Blog