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Design and Build Digital Assessments

Design and Build Digital Assessments

About this course

  • 40 hours study
  • Level 1: Introductory
  • Gain a digital badge


5 out of 5 stars

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    • About the Course

      Is this Course Right for You?

      This is one of the outputs of the CITEA project at the City of Glasgow College that explored the obstacles to the wider adoption of e-assessment in the FE sector and formulated some practical solutions. We found that the main problems were non-technical like; college structures, working cultures, established assessment traditions. The main technical problems related to the poor usability of the available tools. As a result of our experience,  this course does focus on the ‘soft’ and 'system's issues that need to be solved to implement e-assessment successfully. These types of issues are not well covered in existing literature and guidance resources. 

      The course does not cover detailed technical guidance about using particular tools or developing questions as there are already extensive resources about these that are constantly updated and openly available. A good resource for understanding and creating e-asessment question types in Moodle is called eAssessment with Moodle and is available as a sister course to this on the Open University OpenLearn Create site. The content of our course reflects the needs and priorities of the Further Education lecturers that we worked with, so there is an emphasis on Tips and Checklists to provide concise guidance followed by readings to explore the related issues and the background reasoning. In this course you will be asked to create reflective blog posts in this Moodle course and also keep a logbook for recording technical and non-technical issues. We also recommend keeping an assessment design 'scrapbook'  to jot down ideas as they come to you. The logbook and scrapbook can be paper or digital or both (both is probably best).

      This online self-study course steps you through the process of converting one of your own existing paper-based assessments into an e-assessment from beginning to end. It covers typical problems to look out for when introducing e-assessment and provides tips, checklists and design templates for busy lecturers, support staff and managers to use and adapt to their own needs. Quality management measures and the information needed to support them effectively are identified, together with simple tools and methods to use. Introducing e-assessment is a design intensive process that in turn requires a fair bit of investigation and analysis. 

      To be successful in this field you will need to be able to identify and overcome problems in a pragmatic way. To support us in this activity we have chosen to adopt the widely used ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Implement, Evaluate) model of instructional design to help structure this course. You will find that this course concentrates on the Analysis and Design Phases; this reflects the 'front loaded' nature of implementing any technology solutions in an education system. Put briefly, the more you put in at the early stages of the process the more likely you are to succeed in changing your assessment procedures.

      Teaching Aims

      The aim of the course is to provide a foundation in how to approach introducing e-assessment by adopting an analytical, systematic and critical approach. We depart from some of the more exuberant claims made for the transformative power of technology in education and concentrate on getting things to work in real educational settings.

      A central concept of this course is to view e-assessment activities as part of a larger connected ‘system’, without this kind of approach introducing e-assessment will be much less successful, experience elsewhere has shown this is part of the cultural change needed to make better use of technology in any workplace. 

      Key Themes / Keywords: Assessment, e-Assessment, Systems Analysis, Critical Analysis, Problem Solving, Cultural Change, Digital Literacy, Professional Development, Organisational Development.

      Based on an original idea proposed by Lee Ballantyne
      John Casey for project development and course content
      Melissa Markle and Pauline Barker for Moodle development

  • Gain a digital badge

    Gain a digital badge

    By studying the course you will have the opportunity to gain a digital badge – you need to click on the ‘Enrol’ button to be able to do the quizzes and earn the badge.

  • Course learning outcomes

    In this course, each section has list of its own detailed Learning Outcomes, Assessment Tasks (Criteria) and Methods (Instruments) you can view a list of the learning outcomes for each section on a web page at this link.
  • Course dates:

    First Published 28/07/2018.

    Updated 01/08/2018

Course content

Below is the course content. You can click on any section here and it will take you through to this section of the course.
  • ExpandHow to Work Through this Course

  • ExpandBefore We Start: Mapping The Problem Space

  • Expand1. Getting Started

  • Expand2. Analyse

  • Expand3. Design

  • Expand4. Develop

  • Expand5. Implemement

  • Expand6. Evaluate

  • ExpandSumming-Up: Ten Top TIps for Digital Assessment

Course Reviews

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Course reviews

  • Patason Brooks

    Patason Brooks2 May 2020 10:52

    Rating entered. No review given

About this course

  • 40 hours study
  • Level 1: Introductory
  • Gain a digital badge


5 out of 5 stars

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You can start learning at any time. By signing up and enrolling you can track your progress and earn a Statement of Participation upon completion, all for free.

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Course rewards

  • Earn a free digital badge if you complete this course, to display and share your achievement.