Design: Learning Outcomes and Assessments
After completing the Design section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Produce an initial working ‘sketch’ of the e-assessment design idea
Method: Max 400 words summary in Your Blog
LO2. Complete the E-Assessment Design Template
Task: Send the previously completed template to a colleague(s) and ask them to add comments and annotations – refine the design taking the feedback into account - it will be easier to do this face to face if you can.
Method: Produce another version of your design template with any alterations made as a result of your colleague's feedback highlighted (together with an explanation for the changes you have made)
Task: Show your design template to the quality officer / reviewer. Receive feedback from colleague(s) and reflect on what changes to make
Method: Make adaptions to your template if needed in the light of feedback