5 Reflecting on your learning
The following activity is an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning throughout this OpenLearn free course.
Activity 16
There are no ‘correct answers’ to the following questions but you may wish to use your responses from earlier activities.
1. What do you consider to be the benefits of resource sharing to teachers and others who create them?
2. What are the benefits, in your view, to their institutions, their pupils?
3. What are the benefits to those who use the resources?
4. What resource sharing sites are you aware of and how suitable are they for your own context? How do you evaluate this suitability?
5. Describe two resources for use in their own context that you have downloaded and why you find them suitable for your own context.
6. Explain any adaptations you had to make to the resources in question 5.
7. Describe one resource from your own context that you have uploaded and explain why you chose this one and what you had to do to adapt it.
8. Explain how feedback on the resources is shared by users and how this leads to an enhanced personal learning network.
9. Explain how the use of shared resources contributes to your professional development.