3.2 Influencing the practice of others
In Activity 5 you explore the idea that leadership can also be demonstrated by people who are not managers, in the sense of influencing the practice of others.
Activity 5 Leadership qualities and skills for social workers
Part A
Write two suggestions about how you can contribute to leadership in your workplace.
The material you have read so far may have prompted you to identify personal and professional qualities arising from everyday social work practice which – directly or indirectly – help to develop leadership.
Part B
Audios 4–6 give you a chance to hear June, Sophie and Roseann’s views on how the concepts of leadership and management can help social workers in everyday practice.
Audio 4: June Sadd
Transcript: Audio 4: June Sadd
Audio 5: Sophie Terrill
Transcript: Audio 5: Sophie Terrill
Audio 6: Roseann Connolly
Transcript: Audio 6: Roseann Connolly
Going further: management, leadership and change
You can find further materials about leadership in the following OpenLearn free course: Groups and teamwork [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .