8 Consolidation
This session has covered a wide range of information relevant to becoming an immigration adviser and the role itself.
The learning outcomes for this session were as follows:
- Knowledge and understanding of:
- the OISC scheme at Level 1
- the key principles of immigration control and asylum law protections.
- Practical and professional skills of:
- effective note-taking
- locating and assessing the relevant information online.
If you feel that you have not achieved any of these learning outcomes, then please revisit the relevant section.
Activity 6: Self-reflection for Session 4
Think about how you approached your studies in this session. What has worked well and what would you improve? Self-reflection forms an important part of study, and being able to identify what worked well and what areas need improvement helps individuals to develop as learners and encourages a continuous cycle of learning.
Well done! You have now completed all of the learning in this course. Now it’s time to move on to the next steps [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .