10 Summary of Session 6
The main learning points from this session are:
- Questioning provides a useful tool for coach developers in encouraging the coaches they support to take more responsibility for and awareness of their learning. Good questioning also enables the core beliefs, values and ideas of coaches to be surfaced and raised to a level of conscious thought.
- Good questioning practice involves use of questions that begin with ‘what’, ’how’, ‘who’ or ‘where’, and allow time for a person to respond including not being afraid of silence.
- Questioning traps include use of multiple or leading questions (the advice is disguised) or ‘why’ type questions. These traps are best avoided for effective learning to take place.
- Active listening is an essential skill which is viewed as having three main aspects: attentive body language, following skills and reflecting skills. Listening actively really helps you to fully understand the coach and what they are saying or telling you.
- Minimal encouragers, small verbal and physical signals play an important role in smoothing the flow of conversation.
Questioning is often used when you carry out coaching observations. Yet effective observation and feedback are far from straightforward – should you use a checklist? How do you frame your feedback? These are two dilemmas explored in the next session which will make you think about how you currently watch and support coach’s practice.
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