Session 5: Developing your teaching repertoire and skills
As a coach developer there may be occasions when you undertake some form of teaching. When you deliver a workshop, for example, you draw on teaching skills to explain information and support learning.
Helping coaches to learn through good teaching is a skill that can be continuously improved. In this session, you will explore the idea of developing your repertoire of teaching approaches.
This session cannot cover all teaching situations. Instead you will look more closely at the following three approaches:
- problem-based learning
- flipped learning
- instruction.
You will focus on these approaches because they cover techniques including facilitation, group work, use of online technologies and instructional behaviours that are used elsewhere in teaching. In subsequent sessions you will also cover teaching-related skills such as questioning (Session 6) and observation (Session 7). The overall purpose is to build a deeper knowledge of teaching and how learning occurs.
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
- appreciate different approaches to teaching that coach developers can draw on
- know the principles of problem-based and flipped learning, and
- use direct instruction more effectively.
You start this session by applying some of the assumptions about adult learning you covered in Session 2.