Session 2: How do coaches learn?
At some point in their careers, most coach developers will themselves have been a coach. Some may still be coaching. If this is you, can you remember how you learned to become a better coach? Are there any similarities to the way you are learning to become a better coach developer?
At the start of this session you’ll hear again from Stuart Armstrong and Lucy Moore when they discuss what learning means to them. You’ll then consider different types of learning opportunities and follow this by exploring how coaches filter new ideas by rejecting some and incorporating others into their practice. These thoughts are complemented by activities in which you learn about the characteristics of adult learning and how they can be used to create purposeful learning environments. Finally, you’ll be asked to consider a provocative idea: learning sometimes requires unlearning the things you already know and do.
You will have an opportunity to interact online with others on the course about their opinions on some of these topics. This is via an optional course forum feature which you will be introduced to at the end of the session.
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
- know how to classify different types of learning experiences
- explain the application of social constructivist theories of learning to coach development
- understand how coaches filter new ideas before potentially implementing some of them into their coaching practice
- describe the principles of adult learning and how they can relate to your practice as a coach developer.