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Introducing mammals
Introducing mammals

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During this course you have learnt how mammals are defined by a number of attributes, including: the possession of fur; lactation in females; and the ability to liberate heat energy through metabolism, as a means of thermoregulation. More than any other animal group, the mammals have been influenced by another species – humans. To conclude this course, watch this video clip, which compares humans and a domesticated mammal, the camel, in their abilities to live in hot desert conditions.

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Video 2 Camels and humans as desert dwellers
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This free OpenLearn course provided an introduction to studying level 1 courses in Environment & Development [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . The series of exercises, designed to develop your approach to study and learning at a distance, should help to improve your confidence as an independent learner. The course functions as a general introduction to the topic, and you may be interested in other OpenLearn courses about mammals.