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Free course

Applying your community engagement skills

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Applying your community engagement skills
This free course has been developed by The Open University in collaboration with the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). It is one of a series of courses which together focus on leadership, decision-making and communication in the context of policing within the community.

Through a scenario-based approach, this particular course draws together the various strands of learning from previous courses and invites you to apply your community engagement skills in a practical and engaging context. The course is intended to help participants focus on the practical application of key learnings and insights, while also reflecting on ways that those in policing can engage more effectively with communities and community stakeholders.

You can find out more on courses from this series on the Community engagement and policing page.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand the practical tools and ideas in the set of courses on community engagement

  • improve your ability to assess the stakeholder needs of a wide community

  • apply skills to plan out and deliver communication with large numbers of engaged community members

  • make key decisions about how to tackle some tricky problems a community is facing

  • use data in a practical way to assess local crime figures

  • conduct research into the evidence base for a suggested police initiative

  • draw on what you've learned from the topics covered by the community engagement courses for use in your own setting.

First Published: 13/06/2023

Updated: 13/06/2023

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