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Applying your community engagement skills
Applying your community engagement skills

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8 Engaging with children and young people

During a regular, scheduled meeting with the head of a local school you are asked your thoughts on some of the key vulnerabilities of young people and how they can be dealt with effectively. The school is relatively close to the flats and its pupils include children who live in the flats and so are exposed to drug dealing and anti-social behaviour on a daily basis. Their parents are not happy about this, but they feel that there is very little they can do about the situation without risking a confrontation with the dealers in the area.

The head was very interested in what you had to say about vulnerability and suggested that it would be great if you could attend a forthcoming meeting of the school’s parents’ association to share your thoughts. As is highlighted in the scenario, while children may often be seen as the source of anti-social behaviour, they are potentially the biggest victims.

In particular, the head is keen that you might outline some thoughts on:

  • steps to better engage with children and young people, and
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) particularly, how these can be recognised and managed

After discussing this with your superintendent you have been authorised to go ahead and present on these two topics at the next parents’ association meeting.

Activity 9 Adapting style and tone

1. You should first review the Engaging with children and young people [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] course and test your knowledge by answering the following true/false questions:





The correct answer is a.





The correct answer is a.





The correct answer is a.





The correct answer is b.





The correct answer is a.

2. You should develop a short presentation summarising key points on both engaging with children and young people more broadly and also ways that ACES can be recognised and managed. You may wish to present this to your colleagues once complete to support their learning.