Welcome !
Welcome to Corporate Social Responsibility Essentials in the Workplace and Beyond, your simplified guide to CSR which provides maximum student impact and learning.
Our names are Basil Jacob, Ronan Sweeney, Ruolin Chen, Jatin Nagrani and Cheng Zhang. We are a group of 5 post graduate students from the Michael Smurfit Business School in Dublin, Ireland. We made this course as part of our assessment for the module Project Management. It provides individuals or organisations that choose to undertake it a first glance at some of the main topics in Corporate Social Responsibility. All materials referred to in this course are included in the acknowledgements tab.
This course does not have any completion tracking/activity records. Students can complete the course at their own pace and revisit any sections they want to refresh their knowledge on.
Below you will find a quick video narrated by our team taking you through the course and the processes involved on how to successfully complete this course. You will also find a handbook which may also be useful.
Happy Learning !