What is the economic pillar?

Economic pillar measures sustainability from a consumer perspective, viewing limited natural resources as an income, which will lead to aversion to natural crises. Sustainability has the potential to generate economic wealth in local, regional and global frameworks to stimulate economically viable and profitable development and preserve natural resources. Activities that fit under the economic pillar include compliance, proper governance, and risk management.

The economic pillar is based on the ability of companies to contribute to economic development, and companies have a responsibility to encourage environmental protection by limiting the risks posed by their production. Economic sustainability refers to the need for a company or country to grow its economy while preserving environmental, social and cultural factors, such as reducing the burning of fossil fuels and reducing food waste. Economic sustainability is currently a difficult goal to achieve.

Link to article: https://sustrainy.erasmus.site/3-pillars-sustainable-economy/

Last modified: Thursday, 7 July 2022, 12:54 AM